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25 October 2010

How Important Honesty

ever since I used to date him, always have every thing that I think is shameful including family attitudes are very open and often joked, making me close and do not want to tell my family what it is.

but time passes, the more serious I was to undergo a relationship with him, the more I also want him to know everything about me
it is also what I mean so that no misunderstanding about our respective families

my wish come true.Our family met. and what I feel?more than just fall in love, more than a feeling of flying or jumping from tall buildings.
oh god.

I'm glad all went well, until the time of our graduation, our family met again a second time.once again I am grateful.we took a picture together, lunch together, gather together rejoice.
nothing is more special than at that moment ..

One day when I gathered with his family, his father asked about the seriousness of our heart stopped for a moment. gasped my breath. cold sweat streaming.
whether these feelings come too fast?
hmmm ..all very beautiful, God. I thank you ..his family who accept and love me .. I know, we plan to get married there, it's been from the beginning we thought we were related.but I understand, we must be together to arrange the future first.
relationship it should not exist which prohibit,if indeed there is no blessing, do not blame me. do not blame him. do not blame the love that exists.because that's destiny,
blessing it will run, along with the arrangement of our lives better.
me and you surely will be united,God willing,
with the honesty of course


13 October 2010

bikin nama KOREA yuk!!

dengan semakin semaraknya film film korea yg lomba tayang dari dvd sampe di tipi, bikin gw suka ketawa" sendiri sama nama-nama pemeran film korea itu..

aneh aja gitu kayanya...

dan....dari situ gw cari" info deh, gimana caranya bikin nama korea. copbain deeeh...

  • Nama depan adalah adalah angka terakhir pada tahun kelahiranmu. Contoh : 1977 => 7 = Lee
0 : Park
1 : Kim
2 : Shin
3 : Choi
4 : Song
5 : Kang
6 : Han
7 : Lee
8 : Sung
9 : Jung
  • Nama tengah adalah bulan kelahiran mu. Contoh : February => 2 = Ji 1 : Yong
    2 : Ji
    3 : Je
    4 : Hye
    5 : Dong
    6 : Sang
    7 : Ha
    8 : Hyo
    9 : Soo
    10: Eun
    11: Hyun
    12: Rae
  • Nama belakang adalah tanggal kelahiran mu Contoh : 23 = Ki 1: Hwa
    2: Woo
    3: Joon
    4: Hee
    5: Kyo
    6: Kyung
    7: Wook
    8: Jin
    9: Jae
    10: Hoon
    11: Ra
    12: Bin
    13: Sun
    14: Ri
    15: Soo
    16: Rim
    17: Ah
    18: Ae
    19: Neul
    20: Mun
    21: In
    22: Mi
    23: Ki
    24: Sang
    25: Byung
    26: Seok
    27: Gun
    28: Yoo
    29: Sup
    30: Won
    31: Sub
kesimpulannya, gw yang lahir 8 Agustus 1989 mempunyai nama korea JungHyoJin ^^